

The following is the schedule of our 文学 and creative writing offerings for 2024-2025学年. 这个列表不包括我们的核心作文课程 (ENGL 1,4a, 7A),这些课程每学期分为多个课程. 请注意, 有些文学课程每两年才开一次. 请联系英语 霍默拉·福斯教授 hfoth@skygame168.net 有关时间表的问题. 下面是完整的类描述和信息:


(Note: See specific descriptions and schedule information about each course below 列表.)

  • 英语11 A/B/C:创意写作导论(晚间或在线)
  • 英语12 A/B:写作技巧:小说(面对面)
  • 第22课:美国墨西哥裔美国人/拉丁文学.S. (面对面)
  • 英语25:亚裔美国文学(当面授课)
  • 英语32:U.S. 女性文学(在线)
  • 英语35:现代与当代美国.S. 文学(面对面)
  • 英语第48课:大屠杀文学(面对面)

英语11 A/B/C:创意写作


英语 11A/B/C is a fun and dynamic class that will allow you to explore your writer's 在一个安全和支持的社区中发出声音. 我们将完成这两首诗的练习 and fiction that will help you develop your skills and stretch your imagination. 所有 经验水平不限!

*Register for 英语 11A if you have never taken the course; register for 11B if you are taking the course for the second time; register for 11C if you are taking 第三次上课了.


  • 现场,周二,7:00-9:50pm
  • 在线,无需校内会议. 课程不是在特定的日子上课 和时间.

特蕾莎·帕克特, tpuckett@skygame168.net

英语12 A/B:写作的技巧:小说


Storytelling is an ancient art form traditionally passed down by the most observant members of a community, the people who were born to spin tales of possibility.  We 每个人都有自己的故事要分享. 在这堂课上,我们将挖掘我们的思想 我们需要传递的故事. 我们将写短篇小说充满了丰富 人物和生动的场景. 我们会读一些作者的故事 自己独特的印记,自己的音乐声音融入这门古老的艺术. 期待写作 regularly and to share your drafts in a supportive writing workshop 仪式.  没有以前的 需要有写小说的经验.


指导老师:Carmen Johnston cjohnston@skygame168.net


伯克利Mi Tierra Foods的壁画照片

Come read fascinating short stories, poetry and one act plays written in 英语 and 美国的奇卡克斯和其他拉丁作家所写的西班牙式英语.S. 发现这些文本 can show us about the complexities of immigration and migration, traditional family roles and responsibilities, religion, racism, navigating language, reclamation of 土地和身份,并摆脱性别角色的期望. 没有先决条件. This class is excellent for students majoring in ethnic studies, Spanish, or 英语, 以及任何对这个主题有个人兴趣的人. ¡Bienvenidos! 


教练:Paula Mirando, pmirando@skygame168.net



教练:Samantha Rajaram srajaram@skygame168.net

英语32:U.S. 女性的文学

在线,无需校内会议. 课程不是在特定的日子上课 和时间.

特蕾莎·帕克特, tpuckett@skygame168.net 



Explore what it means to be American and what it means to write America: Bustling cities, snow-covered country roads, family drama, political scandal, war-time trauma, 礼貌,残暴,歌颂自我和民族. 学生将调查文学作品 periods of Realism, the Harlem Renaissance, Modernism, and Post-Modernism and authors such as Edith Wharton, Langston Hughes, Eugene O'Neill, Ernest Hemingway, Toni Morrison, 和更多的. 英语AAT学位要求(转学副学士).


教练:马克·安德森, manderson@skygame168.net


Art Spiegelman,《带着老鼠面具的自画像》,1989年

In Literature of the Holocaust, we will read and think about how writers and filmmakers have tried to describe the experience and legacy of the Holocaust--the World War II 纳粹对犹太人的种族灭绝. 人们是如何写出如此可怕的东西的 实际经验? 图画小说、自传、诗歌、短篇小说和电影都在尝试 为了弄清楚! 我们也会思考大屠杀和大屠杀文学是如何 relates to other racial genocides and oppression--in particular the history of American white supremacy against Indian and Black people that actually influenced Hitler.


教练:Simon Abramowitsch, sabramowitsch@skygame168.net


(Note: Class list correct, but Spring 2024 full details and information about each 当然TBD.)


  • 英语11 A/B/C:创意写作导论(在线)
  • 英语12 A/B:写作技巧:小说(待定)
  • 英语13 A/B:写作技巧:诗歌(面对面)
  • 英语20:莎士比亚(面对面)
  • 第21单元:黑人作家的进化(HYBRID)
  • 英语第31课:男女同性恋文学(在线)
  • 英语41:世界文学(当面授课)
  • 英语 45: Studies in Fiction: Heroes, Villians, and Antiheroes (HYBRID)

英语11 A/B/C:创意写作入门



特蕾莎·帕克特, tpuckett@skygame168.net

英语 11A/B/C is a fun and dynamic class that will allow you to explore your writer's 在一个安全和支持的社区中发出声音. 我们将完成这两首诗的练习 and fiction that will help you develop your skills and stretch your imagination. 所有 经验水平不限!

*Register for 英语 11A if you have never taken the course; register for 11B if you are taking the course for the second time; register for 11C if you are taking 第三次上课了.

英语12 A/B:写作的技巧:小说


Meets In-Person: Tu 7:00pm-9:50pm; Bldg 400, Room 455

特蕾莎·帕克特, tpuckett@skygame168.net

Storytelling is an ancient art form traditionally passed down by the most observant members of a community, the people who were born to spin tales of possibility.  We 每个人都有自己的故事要分享. 在这堂课上,我们将挖掘我们的思想 我们需要传递的故事. 我们将写短篇小说充满了丰富 人物和生动的场景. 我们会读一些作家写的故事,比如大卫·黄·路易, Alice Walker, Langston Hughes, Tim O’Brien, Sandra Cisneros, and other greats who have added their 自己独特的印记,自己的音乐声音融入这门古老的艺术. 期待写作 regularly and to share your drafts in a supportive writing workshop 仪式.  不需要之前的小说写作经验.

英语13a /B:写作的技巧:诗歌


(Image: Kristy Sandoval’s mural "Decolonize" photographed by Richard Vogel for Mic)


指导老师:Kristin Land, kland@skygame168.net

In times of great change, poets unleash magical worlds as they document ordinary life. They teach us to digest difficult experiences and to nurture our hopeful resistance. 他们让我们沉浸在蜂巢的美丽和祖先的智慧中.

 If you are curious how poets create such magic, or if you have unfinished song lyrics and secret poems scribbled in your notebook, then 英语 13A/B is for you. 我们将 read poems from artists like Nikki Giovanni, Martín Espada, Kevin Young, Julian Randall, 梅达·德尔·瓦莱,达内斯·史密斯,还有乔伊·哈乔. 我们会每天写诗玩 techniques, and we will share our drafts in a supportive writing workshop 仪式.  By the end of the semester, you will have several poems in your pocket and a list of strategies to use if you want to perform at open-mics or send poems out for publication. 以前不需要写诗的经验. 



会见:星期一/三下午12:00 -1:15

指导老师:首页ira Foth hfoth@skygame168.net

Dost Thou: Want to read, discuss, enact, and understand some of 英语 文学’s 最珍贵的作品? 想玩得开心,给朋友留下深刻印象?


会见:星期二/四下午1:00 -2:15

指导老师:卡门·约翰斯顿, cjohnston@skygame168.net

In this class we will explore and celebrate Black writers from the 1700s to the present, thinking about their artistry and ideas in historical contexts--the American Revolution; slavery, the Civil War and Reconstruction; Jim Crow and the Great Migration; the Civil Rights and Black Power Movements; the post-civil rights era and the Movement for Black 生活. 我们将读诗歌、自传、小说、看戏剧和电影.



(Image: Brian Kenny's mural "Pay It No Mind" celebrating the Stonewall Riots)


老师:迈克尔·兰登, mlangdon@skygame168.net

LGBTQI+ people have been writing throughout human history, but only recently has the 我们许多伟大作家的酷儿身份得到了承认. 在这节课上,我们会 在酷儿历史的背景下审视酷儿文学. 在第一次评估之后 moment in LGBTQI+ history and reading some contemporary queer authors, we will do some time-traveling and look at the LGBTQI+ experience from ancient times through the present, learning about the various queer movements that led us to this current moment, and reading some of the 文学 that came out of those movements. 我们将 end the semester by reading some speculative 文学 about possible LGBTQI+ futures.




导师:迈克尔·兰登 mlangdon@skygame168.net

“To understand just one life, you have to swallow the world” -  Salman Rushdie.

世界各地的人们有什么共同之处?  人类状况.  我们都经历过 人生的喜怒哀乐. 我们爱,我们渴望,我们创造,但我们也受苦,我们 失败,我们毁灭. 在学习的世界 文学,我们探索和学习其他文化,其他时代. 然而,当我们穿过 文化和时代,我们也发现我们有共同的经历. 我们发现 that no man is an island, and that what happens in one place, in one culture, greatly 影响世界其他地区. 在这堂课上,我们将阅读令人大开眼界的 文学 从经典和当代作家.



In this class, we'll look over the narrative elements that pull us toward stories about heroes, that attract us to the villain, and why anti-heroes tug at the moral 我们内心挣扎的困境. 来看看你爱的所有原因吧 stories like these, and why fiction is just an extension of who we all are - or could be.

星期二,上午10点至11点15分.m. 和在线

教练:兰登·史密斯 lasmith@skygame168.net


通过志愿活动积累经验! Help abandoned animals; serve meals to the community; work for the environment; do a project of your choice!

